Amorakiss – Fashion Trend With No Toes


Amorakiss – Fashion Trend With No Toes

The recent amputation fashion trend to flaunt ankles or legs at fashion shows is making news almost every day. If you have never seen someone with such a short dress or leggings, these fashion trends are not for you, but the majority of people in society that wearing clothing, especially with shoes and boots, tend to have some type of fashion trend where they wear their socks off while at the same time covering up most of their lower body with clothing. This is called showing off your feet or legs, and while there are those who love it, others find it to be tacky and unfortunate.

If you are not familiar with what amputation fashion is all about, then allow me to explain. With the fashion industry today, there are so many different types of clothing lines and trends. One of these fashions is that of clothing lines that are designed with the latest trends in mind and have people walking around with footwear, such as boots, with no toes at all. In fact, most of the clothing lines out there today, especially the upscale ones, will have people walking around with no socks at all and still manage to look fabulous. Am amputation fashion, as some people call it, is nothing new, as long as you do not mind showing your lower body off.

As for me, I like to wear things that are daring and different, such as animal prints on my legs and feet, but I am not the only one who thinks this way. There are many other people out there that are just as wild about fashion as I am. Am amputation fashion may be just what they need to keep up with the ever-changing fashion trend of the times. So, whether you like to show off your legs, or just like to wear socks off, you can do both with a fashionable fashion trend called Amorakiss.
